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The project Wielkopolska for Everyone: An Integration and Educational Program for Foreigners is co-financed by the European Union under the European Funds for Wielkopolska 2021-2027 program, and participation is free of charge for all participants.

The project runs from June 1, 2024, to May 31, 2025, and is implemented by Jarosław Patrzyk EuroDialog in partnership with Caritas of the Diocese of Kalisz.

A total of 80 participants (at least 64 women) who do not hold European Union citizenship take part in the project. Support is provided in-person within the Wielkopolska region, primarily in the following cities:

– Koninie,
– Kaliszu,
– Lesznie,
As well as in the following counties:
– kolskim,
– pilskim,
– chodzieskim,
– czarnkowsko-trzcianeckim,
– śremskim.


As part of the project, we offer the following free support:

1. Participant Needs Assessment

In what form?
Counseling is conducted through individual meetings with an advisor.

How many hours?
Each participant receives 2 clock hours of counseling.

What is the purpose?
– Analysis of the participant’s personal and professional situation, considering cultural differences, gender, age, and migration status.
– Evaluation of educational background, including qualifications obtained outside Poland and competencies that may be validated in accordance with the Integrated Qualifications System (ZSK).
– Assessment of professional predispositions and preferences, using tools such as the Vocational Interests Questionnaire, and defining the type of job the participant currently has or is seeking.
– Identification of training needs, particularly regarding Polish language skills and vocational courses.
– Development of an Individual Support Plan for each participant, outlining a tailored support pathway.
If you wish to participate in the project, you must first take part in the counseling session, as it determines the next forms of support you will receive.

What Will Participants Receive?

  • Each participant will receive an Individual Support Plan, which will include information about the recommended further support available within the project (detailed descriptions below).
  • If you are unemployed, we will reimburse your travel expenses to the support location..

2. Legal, Advisory, and Psychological Support

In what form?
Wsparcie polega na indywidualnych spotkaniach z psychologiem, prawnikiem lub innym doradcą.

How many hours?
Każdy Uczestnik/Uczestniczka weźmie udział średnio w 12 godzinach zegarowych poradnictwa. Jeśli będzie konieczność możesz otrzymać więcej godzin wsparcia indywidualnego. Jeśli nie ma takiej potrzeby – nie musisz brać udziału w tej formie wsparcia.

What Do We Provide?

– Civil legal advice (including family and guardianship law), criminal, tax, etc.
– Guidance on work legalization, including support for individuals who have experienced workplace exploitation and assistance in obtaining work permits,
– Help with consumer disputes, such as product and service complaints.
– Preparation of legal documents (e.g., applications to offices, courts, and other public institutions).
– Translation of legal documents into plain and easy-to-understand language.
– Support in using ePUAP for communication with institutions and e-government services (e.g., podatki.gov.pl).

– Assistance with entering the job market,
– Preparation of job application documents, including traditional CVs and cover letters,
– Online self-presentation, including LinkedIn and the role of social media in job searching,
– Communication, self-presentation, and negotiation skills for interacting with employers (including job interview simulations),
– Guidance on recognition of foreign education and validation of professional qualifications obtained abroad.
– Career development strategies, including setting career goals, action plans, and career pathways.
– Support in overcoming workplace challenges and difficulties.

– Identification of participants’ issues and challenges.
– Overcoming psychological barriers that may hinder personal and professional development.
– Supporting participants through change and strengthening motivation for action.
– Immediate assistance in resolving psychological difficulties.

What Will Participants Receive?
If you are unemployed, we will reimburse your travel expenses to the support location.

3. Adaptation Course

In what form?
The training is conducted in groups of approximately 10 participants

How many hours?
Each course lasts 4 days, with 6 lessons per day, totaling 24 lesson hours.

What is the purpose?
The goal of the training is to support adaptation and socio-cultural integration, introducing participants to Polish values, culture, and traditions to facilitate social inclusion and improve mutual understanding in workplaces, neighborhoods, and communities. During the course, you will learn about various aspects of life in Poland, including:
– Structure of Polish society, key institutions, and organizations.
– How to navigate and use public services, such as healthcare and the education system.
-Legal procedures, including visa applications, work permits, and residence registration.

Before and after the course, you will take a knowledge test. If you score at least 60% on the final test, you will receive a certificate of completion. If your knowledge of Polish values and culture is already sufficient, as confirmed during the needs assessment, participation in this training is not required.

What Will Participants Receive?

  • The training is conducted using original materials prepared by the trainer.
  • Each participant will receive a notebook, folder, and pen.
  • A coffee break will be organized during the training sessions.
  • JIf you take care of a child, we will reimburse childcare costs so you can attend our training or counseling sessions (30 PLN per hour).
  • You will receive a certificate of completion if you score at least 60% on the culture knowledge test.
  • If you are unemployed, we will reimburse your travel expenses to the support location.

4. Polish Language Courses

In what form?
The training is conducted in groups of approximately 10 participants.

How many hours?
Each course consists of 120 lesson hours, structured as follows:

  • 2 times a week, 40 days x 3 lesson hours per day, over approximately 5 months, or
  • times a week, 60 days x 2 lesson hours per day, over approximately 8 months.

    What is the purpose?
    We will improve your Polish language skills by one level on the European Language Levels scale:
  • From zero to A1, or
  • From A1 to A2, or
  • From A2 to B1.
    The training is focused on practical, communicative language use, with an emphasis on the most useful phrases and pronunciation exercises.
    The course will conclude with the TGLS exam, which will assess your skills in speaking, reading, listening comprehension, and writing at the corresponding level. To pass the exam at a given level, you need to achieve at least 60% across the four parts of the exam.
    If your Polish language skills are already sufficient, as confirmed during the needs assessment, you do not need to participate in this training.

  • What Will Participants Receive?
  • If you enroll in the course, you will receive the „Krok po kroku” textbook along with exercises – more details about the textbook
  • If you pass the exam at the end of the course, you will receive a TGLS certificate for the level you completed.
  • If you take care of a child, we will reimburse your childcare costs so you can attend our training or counseling sessions (30 PLN per hour).
  • If you are unemployed, we will reimburse your travel expenses to the support location.

5. Assistance Support

In what form?
Assistance support consists of individual meetings with a job intermediary, career advisor, lawyer, translator, or other specialist.

How many hours?
Each participant will receive an average of 6 clock hours of support (3 days x 2 hours). If necessary, additional hours of support can be provided. If this type of support is not needed, participation is optional.

What is the purpose?
The goal of this support is to improve the daily functioning of participants in relation to the education system, healthcare services, and other public institutions.

  • This includes providing practical information on various aspects of life in Poland, such as: legalizing residence, university recruitment procedures, assistance with finding housing and employment, support with interactions with local institutions and the local community, etc.
  • The role of the assistant will be to help participants solve everyday problems resulting from lack of knowledge of regulations or procedures, insufficient knowledge of the language, and other challenges. An open catalog of services is planned for this support.

6. Zadania integracyjne

In what form?
Workshops are conducted in groups of approximately 10 participants

How many hours?
6 sessions, each lasting 5 lesson hours per day, totaling 30 lesson hours. This form of support is not mandatory.

What is the purpose?
The topics are tailored to the interests of the participants, including:

1. Culinary workshops (e.g., preparing regional dishes from Polish and Ukrainian cuisines) or artistic workshops;
2.Animations during community events, including presentations of works created by participants, contests, and performances at local events such as outdoor festivals, city days, and historical reenactments.

What Will Participants Receive??

Participants will also receive the necessary materials for the workshops (e.g., food products, art supplies) and equipment for setting up the workspace.

7. Vocational Courses

In what form?
Workshops are conducted in groups or individually.

How many hours?
lasting an average of 20 days, with 6 lesson hours per day, totaling 100 lesson hours. This form of support is not mandatory.

What is the purpose?

The training you will participate in must align with your diagnosed needs and potential, as outlined in your individual support plan. The courses include both theoretical and practical sessions, depending on the training program. The offered training will take into account real local or regional market needs for specific qualifications and skills (as listed, for example, in the Barometer of Professions). These could also be courses requested by a particular employer, with the promise of employment for the participant after completing the training.

What Will Participants Receive??

  • If you enroll in the course, you will receive a textbook or script relevant to the training topic.
  • During the training, a coffee break will be provided, including coffee, tea, milk, sugar, and biscuits/salty snacks.
  • If you pass the exam at the end of the course, you will receive a certificate confirming the skills and competencies acquired.
  • If you are unemployed, we will reimburse your travel expenses to the training location.
  • If you take care of a child, we will reimburse your childcare costs so you can attend our training or counseling sessions (30 PLN per hour).


We offer courses exclusively to individuals who meet all of the following conditions:

  • Reside (according to the Civil Code) or stay in the Greater Poland Voivodeship.
  • Are 15 years old or older.
  • Hold citizenship from a country that is not a member of the European Union and do not hold citizenship from any EU country, as well as from Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, or Liechtenstein.
  • Legally reside or stay in Poland and have documents confirming their identity and nationality, particularly a passport, PESEL number notification, official certificate of citizenship, or residence card.
  • Are not subject to sanctions and are not listed on the sanctions list of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration (MSWiA) (this applies to citizens of Russia and Belarus).
  • ave low proficiency in the Polish language (i.e., between levels 0-A2). Please fill out  the test for language assessment,
  • Are not receiving support from other social and professional activation projects co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus.
  • Have not received support in the same scope in an EFS+ project.

All conditions must be met on the day of the participant’s needs assessment.

Priority for admission to the project will be given to:

  • Women – 5 points bonus
  • Individuals who were granted temporary protection in Poland after the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine – 25 points bonus (please provide a document confirming the assignment of a PESEL number with UKR status).
  • Individuals with disabilities – 3 points bonus (please provide a disability certificate or other health-related document issued by a doctor).
  • Individuals in the working age range (15-65 years) – 3 points bonus
  • Individuals residing in or staying in the following cities or counties: Konin, Kalisz, Lesznoor counties: Kolski, Pilski, Chodzieski, Czarnkowsko-Trzcianecki, Śremski – 5 points bonus.
  • Unemployed individuals (economically inactive or unemployed), who
    – Have been unemployed for less than 3 months – 3 points bonus.
    – Have been unemployed for 3 to 6 months – 5 points bonus.
    – Have been unemployed for 6 to 12 months – 10 points bonus,
    – Have been unemployed for more than 12 months – 15 points bonus
    (Please provide a certificate from the District Employment Office or Social Services Office).

The project will involve 80 participants (with at least 64 women), including:

– At least 80% (64 individuals) will be refugees.
– At least 90% (72 individuals) will be within the age range of 15-65 years.,
– At least 50% (40 individuals) will be unemployed.
– At least 30% (24 individuals) will reside or stay in the cities of Konin, Kalisz, Leszno, or in the counties of: Kolski, Pilski, Chodzieski, Czarnkowsko-Trzcianecki, Śremski.


The goal of the project is to develop social and professional competencies from June 1, 2024, to May 31, 2025, among 80 individuals (64 women and 16 men) from third countries, aged 15 years and older, residing in the Greater Poland Voivodeship. The competencies will be acquired based on a personalized development path for each participant, determined by a needs assessment, which will include, among other things, legal, advisory, and psychological support, adaptation courses, Polish language courses, assistant support, and vocational courses.


To apply, please fill out the form below. We will verify if you meet the eligibility criteria to participate in the project.

If you are unsure about your proficiency level in the Polish language, you can take the placement test either at the location where the courses are held or here.

Example: If the test determines your proficiency level to be A2, you will be eligible to attend a course that ends with an exam at the B1 level.

Nie posiadam obywatelstwa kraju należącego do Unii Europejskiej, ani krajów: Szwajcaria, Liechtenstein, Norwegia i Islandia.

Nie otrzymuję jednocześnie wsparcia w innych projektach z zakresu aktywizacji społeczno-zawodowej współfinansowanych ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego Plus.

Mieszkam (w rozumieniu Kodeksu Cywilnego) lub przebywam na terenie województwa wielkopolskiego.

początkujący, zakończony egzaminem na poziomie A1słabo zaawansowany, zakończony egzaminem na poziomie A2średnio zaawansowany, zakończony egzaminem na poziomie B1nie umiem określić


We work from Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and Saturdays from 11am-2pm.

Adress: ul. Prosta 1A, 62-800 Kalisz.

telephone: 531 022 422

e-mail: wielkopolska@eurodialog.pl



Attendance lists

Counseling services cards and activity logs



Special offer

Other documents



If you are caring for a child, we will reimburse childcare costs to enable you to attend our training or advisory sessions. The reimbursement covers: nanny care, Care in a kindergarten, nursery, or children’s club. The reimbursement cannot exceed 30 PLN per hour of care.

We also reimburse travel costs to attend support sessions based on: tickets, invoices, or written declarations from Participants stating the use of their own vehicle, along with attendance lists for the sessions on that day. The reimbursement amount corresponds to the travel cost for one day of attendance at the planned project activities, multiplied by the number of days the Participant attends. The reimbursement cannot exceed the cost equivalent to the cheapest transportation provider on the specific route (i.e., the cost of public transport tickets for rail or road transport according to the II-class ticket price list for the area) for each day of participation in the support session.


Project value: 880.450,00 zł

Co-financing from European Funds: 616.315,00 zł

Financing from the State Budget: 220.112,50 zł

Beneficiary’s own contribution: 44.022,50 zł

Beneficiary: Jarosław Patrzyk EuroDialog

Partner: Caritas Diecezji Kaliskiej

Project no: FEWP.06.12-IP.01-0041/23

Program: Fundusze Europejskie dla Wielkopolski 2021-2027

Project results:

– At least 80% of participants will obtain qualifications or competences
– At least 80% of participants will improve their social situation
– At least 80% of participants will improve their social situation
– At least 20% of participants will undertake education or training after the project.

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